Antara Pembatasan Hak Akses dan Kemudahan untuk Pengguna

Antara Pembatasan Hak Akses dan Kemudahan untuk Pengguna

Dalam ilmu Cyber Security, salah satu prinsip dalam pengelolaan hak akses adalah Least Privilege Philosophy, yaitu membatasi hak akses terhadap user pada batasan paling minimal, agar user tersebut dapat menyelesaikan target dan tugasnya…

An Analysis of Indonesian Digital Information Law: UU ITE

An Analysis of Indonesian Digital Information Law: UU ITE

by: Deriel Ramadhan in Indonesian Scholars Forum | Politics and Law The advancement of technology has brought a new perspective on law, primarily criminal law. Many crimes adapted technology and transformed into a more sophisticated form: online fraud, identity theft,...
Stringing the Marionette: Government, Nudge, and Society

Stringing the Marionette: Government, Nudge, and Society

by: Tifara Ashari and Nadhila Renaldi in Indonesian Scholars Forum | Politics and Law Along with the growing interest of the government to explore the unconventional intervention for policy-making, nudge has enlightened decision-makers to study and to exploit...
COVID-19, Leadership and Democracy

COVID-19, Leadership and Democracy

ISF Articles Health Energy Education Economics & Business Infrastructure & Built Environment Politics and Law Social, Arts & Humanity STEM COVID-19, Leadership and Democracy by: Noto Suoneto and Annisa Sekaringrat in Indonesian Scholars Forum | Politics...